Article data in English (انگلیسی)
Administrative Health and the Ways
of Combating Administrative Corruption
Ayatollah ‘Allamah Mohammad Taqi Misbah
One of the paramount concerns for Islamic system is about the pathology of administrative system and recognition of the methods of combating administrative corruption in order to maintain administrative health. Different societies devise and implement some methods to maintain their administrative health depending on the type of system they approve. Taking into consideration the tendencies of those to be designated, organizing training courses on rules and regulations, supervising the implementation of rules closely, etc. are among these methods.
In religious democracy, moral commitment and adherence to religion and religious teachings, piety and inner disposition, rewards and punishments are considered key factors which contribute to administrative health, in addition to the aforementioned methods and the special care and sensitivity to the designation of personnel.
Key words: administrative health, moral commitment, administrative corruption, Selection.
The Modus Operands for the Efficiency of Public Administration and the Islamic Approach, with Emphasis on “Al-Mizan Commentary”
Mohammad Taqi Norozi / Assistant Professor, IKI
Ali Asghar Pourezat/ Professor, Tehran University
@ Mohammad Reza Rahimi / PhD Student of Management, IKI r.rahimi42@yahoo.com
Received: 2014/08/09 - Accepted: 2015/01/01
Management scholars have proposed a considerable variety of modus operands for the efficiency of Public administration, which are, due to their dependence on empirical perception, are incomplete and sometimes contradictory. These modus operands are incompatible with the Public administration in the organizations of Islamic society, due to the flaws and contradiction they have and because of the different intellectual and cultural views adopted by their scholars. Therefore, addressing the question relating to the characteristics of the modus operands for the efficiency of government administration by adopting the Islamic approach, the present paper studies Quranic verses deductively and refers to the invaluable Al—Mizan Commentary to interpret them and elaborate on their contents. The study shows that there are two types of modus operands: behavioral and structural which can help achieve the efficiency of government administration.
Key words: administration, government, efficiency, modus operands, Allamah.
Strategic Management and Its Role
in the Development of Hawzah
Seyyed Gholam Reza Moosavi / Faculty member of department of Islamic sciences, Baqir Al-‘Uloom University
Received: 2014/07/10 - Accepted: 2014/11/22 Nashrieh@qabas.net
Today, the routine Management and practical measures taken by the organizations and institutions, particularly the cultural ones, in our country have not been efficient beside the striking domestic and foreign developments in the cultural, social, political and economic fields; a kind of Management which cannot solve the country’s problems. The continuous inattention to the change of this kind of Management will result in material and spiritual loss. Lack of strategic administration is a serious threat to all the organizations and institutions of the country, including seminaries (centres of Islamic Education). Strategic administration helps, through strategic reflection and planning, to implement and evaluate strategies. Using an analytical approach and relying on an investigation into the documents, the present paper seeks to expound and evaluate the development in seminaries, in the light of the strategic administration of the fifth term of the High Council for Hawzah (2008 to 2013), on which the Supreme Leader repeatedly emphasized. To this end, it seeks to review the process of the measures taken by this council for the mentioned period, while describing and analyzing its strategic Management relating to the development in siminaries in order to highlight the strategic look towards seminaries.
Key words: development of seminaries, strategic Management, strategic thinking, strategic planning, the fifth term of the High Council of Seminary.
The Factors contributing to the Prevention
of Administrative Corruption according to Imam Ali’s View
Ali Rezaeiyan / Professor of Shahid Beheshti University
@ Hamed Asadullahzadeh / MA of development management IKI h.asad@chmail.i
Received: 2014/06/07 - Accepted: 2014/10/28
The administrative system of any society is regarded as the executive tool of its political system. Expounding the factors which contribute to preventing the corruption in the different aspects of administrative system can make a major contribution to the political system. Using a religious approach with special emphasis on Imam Ali’s words and conducts, a descriptive- deductive method and observing the principle of precaution in conducting religious research, the present paper seeks to finds the factors which preventing the corruption in administrative system.
Given the different definitions of administrative corruption, corruption can be generally studied on a small scale and on a large scale. Referring to Imam Ali’s conduct and sayings, we reach the conclusion that Imam's attention to at least five factors which contribute to improve the administrative system of government and preventing corruption, including the mental and behavioral, organizational, socio-cultural, political and economic factors.
Key words: administration, administrative corruption, Islamic values, Nahjol Balaghah, Imam Ali’s lifestyle, government, agent.
A Probing Look at Gender-based Jobs in the View of Islam
Mohammad Mahdi Naderi Qomi / Assistant professor of IKI Naderi@qabs.net
@ Rajab Ali Fahimi / MA student of management mp1152672@gmail.com
Received: 2014/02/13 - Accepted: 2014/06/02
Gender-based jobs are those jobs in which gender, in addition to other qualifications, is regarded as a condition for employment. Today, there are two views about gender-based jobs, which are at opposite extremes from each other. In the first view, the role of gender in the environment takes the place of the role of gender in job, and considers all jobs in Islam as gender-based. As a result, women are deprived of many resources and facilities within the society. Conversely, the extremist feministic view emphasize on the equality between the sexes. This view leads to family breakup, sexual harassment, humiliation of women and ignoring the economic and managerial role which man has in modern world.
Using a descriptive-analytical method and referring to the logical relations established by Islamic law, the present paper distinguishes between common jobs and gender-based jobs and between the role of gender in the environment and the role of gender in job. Twelve gender-based principles in addition to the prime principle of jobs are identified. They frame the policy of job for men and women.
Key words: gender, sex, Islam, relationship, job
The Causes and Effects
of Organizational Silence from the View of Islam
Muhsen Manteghi / Assistant professor of IKI manteghi@qabas.net
@ Hussein Hamzehkhani / MA of management IKI hosein.hamze@yahoo.com
Received: 2014/08/02 - Accepted: 2014/12/14
The present paper concentrates on exploring the view of Islam about the dimensions, causes and effects of organizational silence through a grounded Theorg Research. “Organizational silence” is among the questions which has an effective role in different issues and at individual, group and organizational levels. Given the varied discussions of this issue, expanding the view of Islam about this silence can be a new way of approaching this issue. Therefore, this paper analyzes organizational silence according to the view of Islam and provides a model of its organizational causes and effects.
Islam stresses the importance of reasonable behavior and abstinence from unreasonable behavior in man's acts. As patterns of behavior, silence and speech are no exception. In this research, silence and speech are studied under two general headings: reasonable and unreasonable. The influential factors in the model of organizational silence as viewed by Islam are: to know, to want and to be able. Both Reasonable and unreasonable silence and speech exert influence on individuals, groups and organizations.
Key words: silence, organizational silence, "to know, to want, to be able".