The mosque is one of the important Islamic cultural institutions and has an effect on the cultural reconstruction and culturalization of the society. This institution can play an essential role in the process of public policy making and cultural governance in various personal, social, political, economic and scientific fields. Also, it can affect different levels of society and be influenced by various institutions, including government institutions and policies. The mosque can play a role in the development and growth of society in various fields. What has been neglected by scientists in various fields, especially cultural and social, is the role of "mosque" in the "policy-making" process. The purpose of this research is to examine the role of the mosque in policy-making and cultural governance. The research method of this research, with the basic purpose and type of data, is basic conceptualization, and in terms of method or strategy, it is descriptive-analytical, and in terms of tools, it is documentary. Historical, Quranic and narrative documents show that the role of the mosque is important in the individual, political, social, cultural, economic and educational dimensions of Islamic society. The result of this research showed that the mosque as a cultural institution should play a role not only in cultural issues, but also in social, political, educational and awareness-raising, educational and economic fields, and finally in public policy making and cultural governance.