اسلام و پژوهش‌های مدیریتی، سال سوم، شماره اول، پیاپی 6، بهار و تابستان 1392، صفحات -


    نوع مقاله: 
    Article data in English (انگلیسی)
    متن کامل مقاله: 


    A Review of Modus Operands for Increasing Affective Commitment in the View of Islam

    Majid Zare' Shahneh*


    Affective commitment is one of the three organizational commitments. Most organizations try to find modus operands for making, retaining and increasing this commitment. Islamic organizations, due to their fundamental difference with non-Islamic ones, need their own methods to increase organizational commitment and its three dimensions. Having gathered the literature of the research and searched in Islamic books, the author explains his findings in order to recognize the modus operands for increasing affective commitment according to Islamic principles. A descriptive-analytical method is used in this research. According to research findings, the modus operands for increasing affective commitment in the view of Islam are as follows: positive and friendly attitude towards each other, showing love and affection, being fair, tolerance and forbearance, forgiveness, good character, good thinking, gentle talk, doing good for others, establishing affective relationship, transparency in affairs, acceptable appointments, observing equality and openness of vision.

    Key words: commitment, organizational commitment, affection, affective commitment.

    Imam's Khomeini's Relation-oriented Leadership Style

    Mujtaba Doroodi*


    Muslim managers with their "relations-oriented" behavioral characteristics in an organization can guide and lead the staff through observing their physical and mental conditions and giving importance to their views, beliefs and emotions. As a result, they can build confidence and mutual respect between them and their man power and provide the ground for meeting their spiritual and material needs. Thus, they can play an important role in better management of man power and their perfection and transcendence. Therefore, the present paper in which a descriptive-analytical method is used seeks to recognize and elaborate on behavioral characteristics based on relationship-oriented leadership style in Imam Khomeini's way of life as a model for managers of Islamic system. Among the research findings are following characteristics: "giving insight", "bringing about mental and spiritual change", "providing service"," seeking contribution", "bringing about unity", "giving self-confidence", speaking on behalf of followers" and "raising hope".

    Key words: leadership, characteristics, behavior, parameter, style, relation-orientation, task-orientation.

    A Review of Principles of Decision-making Model of "Global Horizon"

    Qolam Reza Bordbar*, Mustafa Salmannezhad**


    Nowadays, the unique role and function of decision-making in organizational activities is obvious for all. With such a role for decision-making, management thinkers call it "the heart of management. However, more attention is paid to the effect of culture and man's insight on thinking and decision-making than to the importance of decision-making, because if a model based on which one makes decision contradicts with the culture of his society, then it can sometimes lead to irremediable damages to him and society. It can be very important and helpful for one to recognize these principles. Therefore, the present paper takes a probing look at the principles of decision-making model of "global horizon". The research method is ground theory. The research findings indicate that principles of decision-making model of global horizon are monotheism, guardianship-orientation, justice-orientation, perfectionism and democracy.

    Key words: decision-making, the model of global horizon, principles, monotheism, justice, perfection.

    Governmental Jurisprudence; the Final Software for Society Management in the Developmental Process of Islamic Revolution

    'Abbas Ali Meshkati Sabzewari*, Mahdi Nikbin**, Ahmad Rahdar*** / Mohammad Reza Meshkani****


    There are different views about the relationship between jurisprudence, society and society management. One group believes that there is no relationship between them. Another group holds that they have minimal relationship. Yet, another group considers jurisprudence as basic condition for society management and religious government. Among the last group, some believe in managing society by existing jurisprudence and others consider dynamic jurisprudence as the software for management of the society. The third group believes that governmental jurisprudence is the software for society management. The present paper criticizes minimal and negative views and proves maximal view. Then its rejects the monopoly of each three theories that believe in the managerial capacity of jurisprudence and believes that each of these three theories are compatible with certain period of developmental process of Islamic Revolution and are along with each other; personal and traditional jurisprudence is well-proportioned with the stage of establishment of Islamic Revolution, dynamic jurisprudence is well-proportioned with the stage of establishment of Islamic system and state, and governmental jurisprudence is well-proportioned with the stage of establishment of Islamic nation and civilization.

    Key words: personal jurisprudence, dynamic jurisprudence, governmental jurisprudence, efficiency of jurisprudence, society management, jurisprudential management, developmental process of Islamic Revolution.


    Jurisprudential Analysis of Redistribution Policy and Its Relationship with Justice

    Seyyed Mahdi Alvani*, Mohammad Mahdi Naderi**


    The policy of "redistribution" is among the issues discussed in the field of general economic policies. In this regard, the question which is particularly discussed is: is the aim of implementing such policies is for justice and does it help its establishment and expansion? Or conversely, adopting and implementing such policies as policy of redistribution is essentially against justice. Anti-justice nature of such policies as policy of redistribution is particularly explained in terms of their contradiction with and violation of man's freedom in ownership right. Relying on Quranic verses, traditions and Islamic sciences and using the method common in seminaries which is terminologically called deductive method and can be considered a kind documentary analysis, the present paper seeks prove two points: 1- Islam supports the policy of redistribution and use it to establish and expand social-economic justice; 2- this policy is not considered as a violation of man' freedom in enforcing his ownership right.

    Key words: policy, redistribution, justice, real (personal) ownership, conventional ownership.

    The Position of God-centrism in General Policy-Making

    Seyyed Mohammad Hussein Hashemian*, 'Azizullah Khalili**


    Attention to the principles and values of general policies exerts many positive and negative effects on general public's life. One of these principles is God-centrism in Islamic societies with monotheistic look, which has different influences on general policy-making. The present paper investigates the effect of God-centrism on general policies in its three theoretical, procedural and content dimensions. The role of God-centrism in general policy-making means that only the Most High God can make policy and that if someone makes policy he must have His permission. God-centrism in the process of policy-making is the opposite of anthropocentrism. God-centrism also plays role in the process of content analysis of general policies. God-centrism as a key parameter will be useful in the process of analyzing, assessing and evaluating general policies and their application.

    Key words: general policy making, divinity, God-centrism, the process of policy making, content analysis of policies.

    * PhD student of management, IKI                                                                      majidzashe@yahoo.com

    Received: 2013-6-12 – Accepted: 2013-9-13

    * Faculty member of IKI                                                                                            Nashrieh@qabas.net

    Received: 2013-2-2 – Accepted: 2013-4-6

    * Assistant professor of Yazd University                                                              

    ** MA of industrial management, Yazd University                                                  msnd65@gmail.com

    Received: 2012-12-29 – Accepted: 2013-5-5

    * MA of philosophy of religion, Baqir Al-'Uloom University                             meshkani.a@gmail.com

    ** MA of philosophy of religion, Baqir Al-'Uloom University

    *** PhD of Political sciences, the research center of human sciences and cultural studies

    **** Graduate of Mashhad Seminary                                                     

    Received: 2013-6-11– Accepted: 2013-9-6

    * Professor of 'Allamah Tabatabaii University                                        

    ** PhD of management, IKI                                                                                           Naderi@qabs.net

    Received: 2013-5-26 – Accepted: 2013-8-23

    * Assistant professor of social sciences  department, Baqir Al-'Uloom University                                   

    ** PhD student of management                                                                            erfankhalil@yahoo.com

    Received: 2013-7-16 – Accepted: 2013-9-6

    شیوه ارجاع به این مقاله: RIS Mendeley BibTeX APA MLA HARVARD VANCOUVER


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده).(1392) Abstracts. دو فصلنامه اسلام و پژوهش‌های مدیریتی، 3(1)، -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده)."Abstracts". دو فصلنامه اسلام و پژوهش‌های مدیریتی، 3، 1، 1392، -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده).(1392) 'Abstracts'، دو فصلنامه اسلام و پژوهش‌های مدیریتی، 3(1), pp. -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده). Abstracts. اسلام و پژوهش‌های مدیریتی، 3, 1392؛ 3(1): -