Article data in English (انگلیسی)
Intra-Individual Communication in Islamic Sources
Zahir Akbari*
As one of the most important levels of communication" intra- individual communications" is considered the basis for other sorts of communication (such as inter-individual, collective, and organizational communications). Intra- individual communication has deep-rooted religious and philosophical principles which are not only taken care of by divine doctrines and invited man to reflect on them but they have been proved and approved by philosophical and intellectual propositions. In Islamic sources man is defined as a sensible creature having will and free choice and whatever he does the effects of his deed first return to him when accepting the responsibility and effects of his deeds and then to others. Intra-individual communication is important; first, because it outlines man's interaction and relation with his inner capacities – which forms his real character and identity and secondly because it has influential social and organizational functions. The most important organizational roles of intra- individual communication are: self-control, self-esteem, self-confidence, work ethic.
Key words: communication, intra-individual communication, the principles of intra-individual communication, organizational role of intra-individual communication.
An Investigation into the Effect of Human Capital on Competitiveness of a Bank
(A Case Study of Agriculture Bank in Golestan Province)
'Ozra Ma'soomi*
It has been increasingly difficult to achieve a superior position in the market and preserve it due to the great development and variety and intensity of competition, on the one hand, and to the increase in customers' expectations, on the other hand. Nowadays, organizations' superiority to outstrip each other does not lie in applying new technologies; rather it lies in the greatness of self-confidence of the staff and the extent of their commitment to organizational aims. Regarding the fact that the modern world tends to be competitive and human force has influential role in improving organizational functions, the main aim of the present paper is to investigate the influence the factors of human capital has on the competitiveness of financial institutions. To this end, 158 questionnaires were distributed in all branches of Agriculture bank in Golestan Province and the research hypotheses were examined on the basis of ratio hypothesis test (binomial test) and one-sample t-test, using data gathered from 107 questionnaires. The research findings show that human capital influences competitiveness strategies (the decrease in cost price of providing services, services differentiation, and concentration on customer) in bank.
Key words: human capital, competitiveness, Agriculture Bank.
The Factors Influencing the Well-being of Administrative System and Development of Moral Values in It
Mohammad Hussein Sheykhi*
In the spite of all the attempts to reform the administrative system of our country, it still to lacks the required efficiency and effectiveness. One of the main reasons of such inefficiency and ineffectiveness is inattention to Islamic values and their fundamental role in the development and well-being of the administrative system. Therefore, in its attempt to expound the factors influencing the well-being of the administrative system and development of moral values in it, the present paper refers to the Quranic verses and theoretical and practical lifestyle of the Fourteen Infallibles. The research method is descriptive – analytical. An analysis of the content of Islamic sources shows that the well-being of the administrative system and development of moral values in it are influenced by the ontological and anthropological principles governing the beliefs of the personnel on the one hand, and by value, intra-organizational and extra-organizational factors, on the other hand. Hence, it is necessary to implement insight-ideological, intra-organizational, and extra-organizational reforms.
Key words: well-being, administrative system, organizational well-being, well-being of administrative system, moral values.
Collectivism-Individualism according
to the Culture of pro-Mahdism Society
Vahid 'Ouqi*
In order to understand the cultural differences between societies it is necessary to have access to their common grounds. Sociologists have tried to recognize and understand the common grounds between societies through theoretical reasoning, field study experience, and statistical studies. The results of these studies have led to evolving a number of theories the about dimensions of culture. Hofstede's dimensional model is one the most important studies in recognizing the dimensions of national culture. He has recognized five dimensions common to most societies and they are as follows: power distance, Individualism/collectivism, masculinity/femininity, avoidance of ambiguity, and short–term orientation/long-term orientation. The way these categories are viewed can contribute to underscoring the cultural differences. Due to the importance of this issue in cultural planning and feeling that this subject has not been given due attention by Islamic studies, the author has tried through a descriptive-analytical method to introduce each of these dimensions to the world of the Age Appearance, during which all Islamic values are realized, so that its results may be used as basis for cultural studies and planning. This paper focuses on Individualism/collectivism which constitutes one of the dimensions of Hofstede's model.
Key words: culture, national culture, pro-Mahdism society, Islamic culture, collectivism, individualism
Designing a Conceptual Model for Analyzing the Country's Culture Based on a Fundamental Conceptualization Theory Approach
Morteza Soltani*
Providing a comprehensive and systematic analysis of culture for the sake of making better decisions has always been one of the main concerns of our country's cultural management system. One cannot make proper and reliable decisions without having access to correct and exact information about the past and present status of one’s country's culture. Gathering correct and exact pieces of information and analyzing them effectively requires comprehensive patterns and models that take into consideration all the dimensions of a cultural system and its decisive interactions with other systems. Applying a fundamental conceptualization theory method and using the findings of the latest national studies in the field of culture, the present paper provides a comprehensive conceptual model including parts and elements of cultural system, components of culture, levels of culture and their interactions.
Key words: culture, cultural system, cultural analysis model, fundamental conceptualization theory.
The Role of
"Islamic Attitudes" in" Decision-Making Process"
Mohsen Manteqi*
Man is a decision-maker being. Decision –making means solving problems and choosing solutions. To make a decision and to solve a problem, managers must make some arrangements in order to be able to understand the problem and solve it. Some of these arrangements are made consciously and some others are applied carelessly. Under the influence of cognitive and educational factors during their lives, men form some conceptions and use them naturally when making decisions.
By obtaining factual and valuable information and properly processing it in their minds, prudent managers can create an atmosphere for making better decisions. The attitudes can provide the managers with some facilities in the process of decision-making. These attitudes can play a significant role in all the stages of decision making. The present paper focuses on the ontological and anthropological insights (knowledge) which influence decision-making. Having these implicit insights, faithful managers are capable of handling problems more effectively. This paper tries to investigate the effect of attitudes on decision-making by analyzing the concept of attitude and expounding the stages of decision-making and referring to Islamic sources.
Key words: decision-making, attitude, ontology, anthropology.
The Position of Anthropology in Organization and Management in the View of the West and Islam
Qadir Ali wasiq Qazanavi*
There are as many views about man as there are schools of thought in the world, and this makes the different human sciences as many as different views. The present paper expounds man’s various aspects in the view of western and Muslim thinkers, focusing on creation, aim of life, nature, truth, determinism and freedom, value orientation.
This paper aims at explaining the effectiveness of anthropology on social sciences, and on organization and management in particular. The research findings show that the organization or political system organized and managed according to the Qur’anic view of man is very distinct from organization or political system organized and managed according to the western thinkers' views about man. Given this, anthropology which is considered as one of the foundations of social sciences particularly management, is of great importance.
Key words: Islam, the Holy Quran, man, management, organization, scientific management.
* MA, graduated from IKI zahir.akbari@yahoo.com
Received: 2011/7/6– Accepted: 2011/11/19
* . MA in public administration, Azad Islamic University of Ali Abad Katool.
Received: 2011/7/6 – Accepted: 2011/12/11 masoomi-4002Q@yahoo.com
* PhD student of Management, IKI Nashrieh@Qabas.net
Received: 2011/7/16 – Accepted: 2011/11/19
* A.M. of management Vahid.oghi@gmail.com
Received: 2011/7/6 – Accepted: 2011/11/5
* . PhD in human resources management, Shahid Beheshti University
Received: 2011/9/16 – Accepted: 2012/1/28 Morteza.soltanee@gmail.com
* . faculty member of IKI manteghi@qabas.net
Received: 2011/9/11 – Accepted: 2012/2/12
* PhD student of management, state policy making course vasegh2003@yahoo.com
Received: 2011/6/11 – Accepted: 2011/10/6
Table of Contents
The Position of Anthropology in Organization and Management in the View of the West and Islam / Qadir Ali wasiq Qazanavi
The Role of "Islamic Attitudes" in" Decision-Making Process" / Mohsen Manteqi
Designing a Conceptual Model for Analyzing the Country's Culture Based on a Fundamental Conceptualization Theory Approach / Morteza Soltani
Collectivism-Individualism according to the Culture of pro-Mahdism Society / Vahid 'Ouqi
The Factors Influencing the Well-being of Administrative System and Development of Moral Values in It / Mohammad Hussein Sheykhi
An Investigation into the Effect of Human Capital on Competitiveness of a Bank (A Case Study of Agriculture Bank in Golestan Province) / 'Ozra Ma'soomi
Intra-Individual Communication in Islamic Sources / Zahir Akbari