اسلام و پژوهش‌های مدیریتی، سال هشتم، شماره دوم، پیاپی 17، پاییز و زمستان 1398، صفحات -


    نوع مقاله: 
    Article data in English (انگلیسی)
    متن کامل مقاله: 

    amiliarity with the Administrative System of the Prophet (S)'s ime

    Aliagha Pirooz / Assistant Professor Islamic Management Department ofculture and islamic thoght research.center Islamic Culture and Thought Center                            pirooz@iict.ac.ir

    Received: 2018/10/02 - Accepted: 2019/02/25


    The administrative system is the regulator organization of all activities to provide the conditions for the government's purposes. How was the state of the Prophet (S)'s administrative system in comparison with the administrative system of The Age of Ignorance? Which plans did he take to get rid of the ignorance system? In the age of ignorance, the Arabs of Hejaz were primitive, and they did not have a coherent administrative system, but this system was formed in the prophetic age on the basis of piety, justice, affection and rationality. Accordingly, the Prophet Muhammad (S) organized all tribes under the Islamic society (Ummah), on the bases such as, brotherhood, ending hostilities, taking allegiance for the community's consolidation, formulating and implementing the general conventions, installing and uninstalling the tribal chiefs, determining arif and naqib (chief) for the tribes, forming the regular army, sending ambassadors to far lands in order to resolve the quarrels, forming the judiciary system and so on. These plans, which have brought significant advancements in various aspects, show that Islam has the most advanced doctrines for the management of the system. Using a desk research and a descriptive -analytical method, this paper has been conducted.

    Keywords: the Prophet's time, administrative system, justice, love, rationality, spirituality.

    An Analysis of the Competency Indices of Managers from Imam Ali (as)'s Viewpoint

    Safiullah Safaee / PhD. in Social Sciences Assistant Professor Social Sciences Department, Payame Noor University, Hamedan                                                                                                                             rmsafaei@gmail.com

    Maryam Mousivand / M.A. in Governmental Management Human Resource Field Instructor

    Payam Noorhamedan University                                                         moosivand1@ gmail.com

    Ali Safai Shakib / M.A. in Governmental Management Human Resource Field, Instructor Payam Noor hamedan University                                                                                                    safae@pnu.ac.ir

    Received: 2018/08/21 - Accepted: 2018/12/10


    Human resources are the most valuable source of today's organization; because they formulate organizational decisions, solves the problems of the organization and objectifying the efficiency. On the other hand, the importance of management and its impact on the development of human societies is quite clear. Experiences have shown that, societies have grown and developed more and sooner than the others, that have enjoyed the right rulers. In this regard, meritocracy management is one of the important issues in the field of human resource management, which regardless of the religious doctrine does not come to the end. Using a content analysis method this paper seeks to investigate the competency indicators of management from the viewpoint of Imam Ali (as). Considering the positions and occupations in his era, he provides criteria for the appointment of brokers; criteria that are rooted in the Quranic criteria; these indicators can be presented in two dimensions: "axiological-ethical" and "organizational-social". Of course, these two merits are so intertwined among the words of the Imam, so that their separation is difficult. The research findings based on the content analysis show that, with respect to the axiological-ethical aspect, Imam has emphasized on factors such as faith, ethics, insight, trustiness, Open breast, humility, good manner, tolerance, forgiveness, secrecy and keeping promises, and with regard to the organizational-social aspect, he has emphasized on merit, justice taking criticism, consulting, simple living, good reputation, adherence to the traditions, expediency, respecting the clients, punctuality, fairness in reward and punishment and decisiveness in action.

    Keywords: meritocracy, competency indices, Nahj al-Balagha, Imam Ali (as)

    An Introduction to the Philosophical Principles of Islamic Management with an Emphasis on Anthropology

    Hussain Khanifar / Professor, Farabi Campus of Tehran-Qom University hkhanifar@yahoo.com

    @ Zeinab Molavi / PhD. Student, Farabi Campus of Tehran-Qom University

    Maryam Hasanpour / PhD. Student in Philosophy, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

    Zeynab Bazzaz / M.A Student, Farabi Campus of Tehran-Qom University

    Received: 2018/12/15 - Accepted: 2019/02/06


    One of the most prominent features of the human civilization is the advent of social organizations and their extension, which has made management one of the key pillars of the human societies in today's world. The success of management in any society depends on its coordination with the school and the cultural values of that society, which is referred to as "Islamic management" in our community. The main factor of this management is the Islamic values and Divine criteria, while benefiting from the scientific and management frameworks and structures. The management will achieve true success, if it utilizes the Islamic rules, strategies and values. In fact, the Islamic management, based on the Divine values provides the perfection of the human being as the most important goal in the management. Using a descriptive-analytical method, and while discussing the roots of Islamic management, this paper studies the axiological, anthropological and ontological foundations of management from a monotheistic worldview. Accordingly, based on the purpose of the human creation, which is closeness to God, and due to the status of God in the man's perfection, Islamic management is an essential factor to fulfill the Divine rules and commands.

    Keywords: management, Islamic management, Islamic worldview, Islamic values, Islamic anthropology

    The Essence and Concept of Institutionalization from the Viewpoint of the Quran

     Vahid Vosooqirad / PhD. Student of management, IKI                       vahid.oghi@gmail.com

    Ali Rezaeian / Professor, Shahid Beheshti University

    Valiuallh Nagipurfar / Associate Professor Qom Uiversity           pazhoo.mod93hotmail.com

    Mohammad Taghi Norouzi Farani / Assistant Professor, IKI                 mtnorozi@yahoo.com

    Received: 2018/07/25 - Accepted: 2018/12/07


    Institutionalization means deepening and consolidating believers, values and behaviors that are acceptable for the main brokers of the community administration at different levels of macro management (public administration) and micro management (organizations and institutions). For the realization and implementation of the "institutionalization", different patterns have been proposed, which are often based on Western foundations and assumptions. Considering the influence of the basics and assumptions on theories and patterns, one of the main tasks of the active researchers in the field of human-Islamic sciences is proposing patterns appropriate to Islamic foundations and assumptions. The first and most important step before proposing a pattern is identifying the concept and the nature of the proposition, to provide the ground for studying the how of this theory through the investigation of the what and definition of the concept. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to examine "the essence and concept of institutionalization from the viewpoint of the Quran", based on Islamic foundations and assumptions. The method of "contemplation in the Quran" (traditional-revelatory) has been used in this research. The research findings show that, institutionalization from the perspective of the Quran is a continuum-like process that can be positive (rising) or negative (decaying). Its promotion is for those who seek to establish faith, and confirm their faith but its decaying one is for those who seek to stabilize blasphemy.

    Keywords: concept, institutionalization, the Quran.

    The Theory of "Systems" and its Quranic Functions

     Mohammad Mahdi Ajilian Mafauq / Assistant Professor, Shiraz University majilian66@gmail.com

    Mohammad Hasan Rostami / Associate Professor, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Rostami@um.ac.ir

    Seyyed Mostafa Ahmadzadeh / Assistant Professor, Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy              

    Received: 2018/05/14 - Accepted: 2018/08/24                          mostafa.ahmadzadeh@gmail.com


    Using an analytical-descriptive method and explaining the status of the theory of "systems" and its functions in the Quranic studies, this paper examined the Quranic functions of this theory. According to the survey, the theory of "systems" can be studied and proposed at least in five areas of Quranic studies: 1. The Quran with the Quran method of interpretation, 2. The semantic of the Quranic vocabulary, 3. The contemplation and harmonious understanding of the appearance of the Quran, 4. Answering to some temporal doubts and questions, 5. The order of the Quran. Examining these five areas shows that, using the theory of "systems" in the interpretation of the Holy Quran has beneficial results, such as I) avoiding partial commentary, II) achieving the exact meanings of Quranic vocabulary, III) discovering the relationship between verses and Chapters, IV) providing more convincing answers to the temporal questions and doubts, and V) showing the amazing order of the Holy Quran. These functions and results indicate that it is necessary for commentators to interact with other knowledge to develop, strengthen and subtilize the foundations of the knowledge of the interpretation of the Holy Quran to provide the new horizons from the teachings of the Holy Quran. 

    Keywords: The theory of systems, the Quranic functions of the theory of systems, the Quran with the Quran method of interpretation, systematic contemplation, systematic semantics.

    A Reflection on theroots of the Social Cognitive theory Career Development Theory in the Quran and Tradition

    Seyyed Mohammad Tabatabainasab / Associate Professor Business Management Department, Faculty of Economics, Management and Accounting, Yazd University                                                                                               tabatabaeenasab@yazd.ac.ir

    Seyyed Mohammad Reza Aqda / PhD. Student in Human Resources Management and Organizational Behavior

    Faculty of Economics, Management and Accounting, Yazd University              Hamidfa.1389@gmail.com

    Mahdi Sabukroo / Assistant Professor, Business Management Department, Faculty of Economics Management and Accounting Yazd University                                                                                                                                 msabokro@yazd.ac.ir

    Received: 2018/06/24 - Accepted: 2018/08/29


    Several theories have been proposed on the path to career dovelefm, which the social cognitive career development theory is one of them. This theory is based on the Western principles. Accordingly, while identifying the foundations and roots of this theory, this research attempts to integrate the Islamic viewpoint and worldview in this theory to provide the conditions for the emergence of its Islamic theory. Using a descriptive method and providing a developmental research, this paper collected the data research from the Holy Quran, books, articles, theses and internet. The research findings show that, the social cognitive career development theory, which has emerged from the Western world, is founded on individualism and materialism, and has a rare Divine, revelatory and religious motives. Therefore, in order to benefit effectively from this theory in Islamic countries, especially Iran, it should be native and Islamic, and then applied.


    Keywords: the theory of the social cognition of the career development, self-efficacy, consequences.


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    (نویسنده تعیین نشده).(1398) ABSTRACTS. دو فصلنامه اسلام و پژوهش‌های مدیریتی، 8(2)، -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده)."ABSTRACTS". دو فصلنامه اسلام و پژوهش‌های مدیریتی، 8، 2، 1398، -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده).(1398) 'ABSTRACTS'، دو فصلنامه اسلام و پژوهش‌های مدیریتی، 8(2), pp. -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده). ABSTRACTS. اسلام و پژوهش‌های مدیریتی، 8, 1398؛ 8(2): -