Article data in English (انگلیسی)
Identifying the Elements of Management Principles Adaptable with Islamic Culture, and Prioritizing their Implementation in Iran
Majid Hashemi / MA in Law, Razavi University of Islamic Sciences hashmajid@yahoo.com
Mohammad Ali Beheshtiniya / Associate professor at Semnan University beheshtinia@semnan.ac.ir
Fatima Sadadi / Master of Business Administration, Semnan University fatimasedady@semnan.ac.ir
Received: 2017/12/06 - Accepted: 2018/04/17
Some of the important factors in the growth of developed countries include their management, beliefs and values that have shaped people's behavioral motivations. Management is an executive- social science that, in order to become operational, needs to be accepted by people. After identifying the elements of the principles of management, that are adaptable with the Islamic culture, this research prioritizes their implementation using Analytical Hierarchy Process Method (AHP) at a level of Islamic culture, which is influenced by the characteristics of Iran. Establishing a framework for adapting these principles to the people's culture will increase their executive guarantee. The results of the prioritization of management patterns in Iran are as follow: 1. if you make a mistake, do not worry about the problem, and just put it right at once, 2. do not ask why a job is not done yet; instead, think how you can do it and 3. match the products or services completely with the needs of the customers.
Keywords: cultural management, Islamic management, lean production, Kaizen, Analytical Hierarchy Process.(AHP)
Explaining Jihadi Management and Designing Its Model in the Islamic Republic of Iran
Ali Askari Vaziri / PhD in Management at IKI ali_askari31@yahoo.com
Mohammad Mehdi Naderi / Assistant Professor at IKI naderi@qabas.net
Hassan Zare’i Matin / Professor of Tehran University (Farabi College) matin@ut.ac.ir
Mohammad Taghi Norouzi Farani / Assistant Professor at IKI mtnorozi@yahoo.com
Received: 2017/05/30 - Accepted: 2017/10/14
Jihadi management is a strategic tool to overcome the internal problems of the Islamic Republic and the foreign threats. The purpose of this research is to explain jihadi management and design its practical model in the Islamic Republic of Iran. This research is "qualitative" type, follows an "inductive" approach, and uses "library-based" method for data collection. After explaining the key concepts, determining the relationship between Jihadi management and Islamic management, examining the rival patterns and expressing the advantages of the three-dimensional model, the researcher reflects on the two experiences of construction Jihad and sacred defense, examines the themes associated with successful managers in these two areas, and analyses the reasons for their success. Then, after screening and reduction of the data using the method of "thematic analysis", it encodes the obtained themes, categorizes the codes in general themes, and finally, by conducting in –person and phone interviews and consulting with qualified professors, it identifies the components of jihadi management in the three contextual, structural and behavioral aspects, and incorporates them in a 3D structure.
Keywords: jihad, management, jihadi management, system, model.
The Fundamentals of Social Support in Islam
Mohammad Hossein Sheikhi / PhD Student of Islamic Management at IKI shikhi.mh@gmail.com
Mojtaba Doroodi / Assistant Professor at IKI doroudi@iki.ac.ir
Seyyed Ali Hoseini Tash / Professor at Imam Hossein University d.tash59208@yahoo.com
Ali Rezaeian / Professor at Shahid Beheshti University h.ali.rezaian@gmail.com
Received: 2018/02/17 - Accepted: 2018/07/01
Since models and theories are formed based on fundamentals and assumptions, in order to explain the analytical model of social support with the Islamic approach, it is first necessary to study its foundations. As a complete religion, which has a comprehensive outlook on man and his needs, Islam has distinct foundations in social welfare and support that can be explained using the Qur'anic texts and the infallible Imams’ traditions. The main purpose of the research is to explain the foundations of social support with the Islamic approach. To answer the main question about the foundations of social support in Islam, the text of the Holy Qur'an and the traditions of the infallible Imams were studied using the method of "thematic analysis". In this method, using the words used in the Holy Qur'an and traditions, the themes related to social support were collected and analyzed. Based on the findings, the ontological, anthropological, and axiological foundations of social welfare and support were analyzed.
Keywords: ontological foundations, anthropological foundations, axiological foundations, social security, social support.
Explaining the Ontological Foundations
of Futurology with the Islamic Approach
Reza Abravesh / PhD Student of Management at IKI abraveshreza@gmail.com
Mohsen Manteqi / Assistant Professor at IKI manteghi@qabas.net
Mohsen Alviri / Faculty Member of Bagher-ol-ulum University
Ja’far Rahmani / Faculty Member of Al-Mustafa University
Received: 2018/02/17 - Accepted: 2018/07/01
The ontological foundations in futurology represent the perspective of the futurologist about existence. Before futurology, the ontological approach to future must be clarified, because only when the futurological perspective of the future is determined on the basis of the ontology of the future, one can gain a proper and accurate understanding of the future and its related propositions. Without a precise approach to existence, the process of futurology cannot be pursued in a desirable and effective manner. In this research, following the main approaches to the ontological foundations of futurology, a conceptual framework was created based on theoretical foundations, and then, by referring to religious and philosophical sources, the needed data were collected and analyzed by using the descriptive-analytical method. After describing the propositions and analyzing them, three foundations were identified: “the difference between the degrees and the actual fact of existence”, “the existence of causal relations in the system of being” and “the necessary concomitance of time and movement as the ontological foundations of futurology”.
Keywords: futurology, ontology, Islamic ontology, future, reality.
Strategies to Confront Cultural and Social Issues in the Management Style of Moses (pbuh) from the Perspective of the Qur'an
Zahir Akbari / PhD Student of Management, IKI Zahir.akbari@yahoo.com
Valiollah Nagi Pourfar / Assistant Professor at Qom University v-naghipoor@qom.ac.ir
Received: 2017/03/02 - Accepted: 2018/07/16
One of the social and cultural deviations at the time of Prophet Moses’s (pbuh) prophethood was calf worship. This deviation turned into a crisis with the moving of Moses (AS) to the mountain, the disobedience to Aaron (AS) and the making of Samaria golden calf. The basic question is how Prophet Moses managed the calf worship crisis? In order to answer this question, the researcher has extracted the components of crisis management in the Prophet Moses’s life (AS) from the point of view of the Holy Qur'an. The data were collected using library sources, and analyzed through Ijtihadi method. The findings of the research show that Prophet Moses (AS) adopted the following strategies towards Aaron (AS), Samaria and people in order to deal with calf worship. He gave Aaron, his successor, a severe physical punishment, and held him accountable; he also cursed, exiled and promised the Samaria other-worldly punishment; then he told people that they deserved death for oppression, breaking the covenant and worshipping the golden calf. He burnt their deity and threw it in the sea. At the end, Moses called for repentance and giving thanks; he was also reconciled with Aaron (peace be upon him), calling for God's grace and mercy for himself and for him.
Keywords: crisis management, contexts, strategies, prophet Moses’s (AS) life, the Holy Qur'an.
The Application of
"Analytical -Inferential" Method in Management Research
Azizollah Khalili / Level Four at Seminary School and PhD Student of
Ali Asghar Pur Ezzat / PhD in Management, the University of Tehran pourezzat@ut.ac.ir
Mohammad Hassan Ja’fari / Assistant Professor at IKI jafari@qabas.net
Received: 2017/10/09 - Accepted: 2018/02/19
In all sciences, including the human sciences, "research method" is of particular importance, and the validity of research depends on its method. One of the methods to be followed in the humanities research is the "inferential-analytical" method. "Inferential-analytical" is a method consisting of "ijtihad" method, that is conventional in seminary schools, and the "thematic analysis" method. The ijtihad method conventional in the seminary schools explains the authenticity of narrations and the implications of the verses of the Qur'an and narratives, as well as the implication of the Prophet and Imam’s teachings on the basis of other verses, traditions, and rules of Fiqh and Osul. Based on the conventional ijtihad method, one can extract the codes and subcategories. Then, by further analysis based on the "thematic analysis" method, themes can be extracted from the categories derived through the inferential method. This research, on the one hand, attempts to explain the steps of the "ijtihadi method”, the method of "theme analysis" and the combination of the two. On the other hand, it examines the possibility of using the combined method in management research. This research is conducted based on the "documentary and analytical "method and the result is the development of the combined method of "ijtihadi-thematic analysis". In addition, the degree of the compatibility of this method with the investigated management and Islamic studies, and the steps of this method for implementation in management studies have been discussed.
Keywords: Ijtihadi method, thematic analysis method, combined method, application of inferential and analytical method, management studies.