Article data in English (انگلیسی)
The Characteristics
of Jihadi Management from a Quranic Perspective
Mohammad Hassan Jafari / Assistant Professor at IKI jafari@qabas.net
Received: 2017/03/24 - Accepted: 2017/08/09
"Jihadi management" is a new concept proposed by the Supreme Leader as a name for the year 1393 and introdvced it, along with "national resolution", as solving cultural and economic problems. In line with the introduction of this concept, the basic question of this research is What is "Jihadi Management" What is itscharacteristics? management”. Using an "inference" method and studying the Quranic verses related to Jihad, this paper addresses this issue and extracts some of the characteristics of Jihad. Investigating these features and analyzing the concept of "management", the paper attempts to identify the characteristics of jihad which conform with the subject of management, and extract Quranic perspective of the characteristics of Jihadi management. According to the research findings, the characteristics of Jihadi management can be divided into two categories: "characteristics of Jihadi manager " and " characteristics of management measures ". The characteristics of the first category are the manager’s sincerity, belief in Divine promises and commands, and detachment from not resorting to non-religious methods of management, and having a spirit of patience and tolerance in management. The second category also has three characteristics: responding to challenges and tackling problems, using new ways of perseverance and hard work, and observing religious rules and principles.
Key words: management, Jihad, Jihadi management, Jihadi manager, Jihadi management measures.
A Theoretical Explanation
of the Impact of Distributive Justice
on the Motivation of Human Resources from Nahj-ul-Balaghah's View Point
Ali Nikkho / MA in Public Management, IKI doroudi@iki.ac.ir
Mohammad Taghi Norouzi Farani / Assistant Professor at IKI mtnorozi@yahoo.com
Mojtaba Doroodi / Assistant Professor at IKI nikkho14@chmail.ir
Received: 2016/09/17 - Accepted: 2017/01/28
The Subject of "justice" has long been one of the most important issues and the special concern of man and thinkers in various fields of study. Justice ensures the life and survival of social systems and maintains the continuity of organizations and the consistency of the different organizational elements, while injustice leads to their disintegration and decline. On the other hand, one of the main Functions of management is to motivate employees, i.e. to create and strengthen inner force in the staff, which contributes to the exhibition and continuation of certain behaviors. Justice is the most important factor which motivates the working staff. All three types of justice (i.e. distributive, procedural, and interactional) have a direct impact on the motivation of human resources. Using a descriptive-analytical method, this paper seeks to show what, according to Nahjul Balaghah, the effect of "distributive justice" on the motivation of human resources is. The research findings show that "distributive justice", in the sense of "fairness in the division of labor, the selection of human resource, the payment and distribution of rewards and punishment" directly affects the motivation of human resources of an organization.
Key words: justice, distributive justice, motivation, human resources, Nahj ul-Balaghah.
Analysis of the Structure of the Cultural Art Center of the Islamic Propagation Office of Qom Seminary
Abbas Ebrahimi / Ph.D. Student of Cultural Policy Making, Bagher-Ol-Ulum University
Abdulnabi Kamali / MA in Management, University of Isfahan
Received: 2017/05/24 - Accepted: 2017/11/15
Centralization, formalization and complexity are considered as the most important dimensions of the process of making analysis of the structure of an organization. Therefore, a thorough analysis and examination of these dimensions can play an important role in creating an organizational structure and the effective management of an organization. The purpose of this paper is to investigate and analyze the dimensions of the structure of the cultural art center of the Islamic Propagation Office of Qom Seminary, a center which is intended to contribute, through art work, to effective and inclusive propagation.
The center's responsibility is stimulating educational activities, holding formal conferences, holding meetings with art critics, making use of art in propagation and presenting strategies for using art in religious propagation. A standard questionnaire was used to identify the structural dimensions, including concentration, formalization and complexity as the structural dimensions and mechanical or organic dimension of the cultural art center. The research results indicate that the cultural- art center shows a tendency towards becoming an organic structure. Moreover, the analysis of the structure of the center shows that the center is an institution with moderate centralization, upper intermediate formalization and a lower intermediate complexity.
Key words: organizational structure, complexity, formalization, centralization, cultural art center of propagation office.
The Qur'anic View Point of the Principles Governing the Way of the Achievement of Goals in Planning
Mehdi Shafi’I / MA in Islamic Management, IKI shafii.mahdi@gmail.com
Mohammad Mehdi Naderi Qomi / Assistant Professor at IKI Naderi@qabs.net
Qader Ali Wasiq / Graduated from the Seminary and Faculty Member of the Humanities' Institute vasegh2003@yahoo.com
Received: 2017/04/04 - Accepted: 2017/08/20
Planning, which is one of the most important tasks of management, is given special attention by Islamic sources and teachings. Organizational goals in planning can be achieved in many ways. From the material non-divine perspective, the only important thing is to achieve the goals, and it is not very important how or according to what principles and rules the goals would be achieved, just like what Machiavellians believe, that is, using any possible means for achieving one’s goals can be justified! But according to Islamic view, particularly the holy Qur'an, achieving a goal requires observing several principles and rules and observing these principles and rules is regarded even more important that achieving the very goals. Therefore, using a "descriptive-analytical" method and making a careful study of the holy Quran, the present study seeks to provide an explanation of the Qur'anic view point of the principles and rules governing the way of achieving the goals in planning. It elaborates on such principles as the legitimacy of the means, hard efforts, avoidance of hasty decisions, divine support, trust in God, supplication, hope, patience and endurance and considers them as the principles governing the way of achieving the goals in planning.
Key words: planning, principles, way to achieve goals, the holy Quran.
The Effect Pattern of Seminary School on the General Policy Process from the Point of View of the Supreme Leader
Sadegh Ostvar /Ph.D. Student of Management, Policy-Making, IKI Sadeghostovar@yahoo.com
Vahid Khashe’i / Assistant Professor of Allameh Tabataba'i University khashei@atu.ac.ir
Hossein Mozaffari / Assistant Professor of IKI Mozaffari48@Yahoo.com
Received: 2017/08/04 - Accepted: 2018/01/16
With the occurrence of the Islamic Revolution, the clerics showed their distinctive and leading role in the outbreak of the Revolution. After the revolution, however, the study of the mechanisms of the desirable influence of the seminary on the formulation, implementation and evaluation of the country policies have not been taken into account as seriously as needed. This treatise seeks to explain the mechanisms and influence of the seminary in the formulation and implementation of public policies and to assess public policies from the point of view of the Supreme Leader. The orientation of this qualitative research is fundamental. Among the various types of qualitative research strategies, the "data-based theorization" strategy has been selected. The most important findings of this research suggest that, according to statements of the supreme leader, the seminary affects general policy process through policy-making, implementing and evaluative factors.
Key words: general policy, seminary, general policy making, general policy implementation, general policy evaluation.
An Analytical Review
of Knowledge Management from the Islamic Point
of View, Based on the Qur'anic Verses and Narrations of Ahl al-Bayt
and Its Role in the Development of Knowledge-Based Islamic Management
Mahboobeh Golestanizadeh / Ph.D. Student of Information Technology Management, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Khorasgan Mgz_2939@yahoo.com
Hamid Davazadah Emami / Assistant Professor at the Department of Management, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Khorasgan
Rasool Hayhavand Zavari Pour / PhD Student of Information Technology Management, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Najaf Abad
Received: 2017/09/05 - Accepted: 2018/01/20
Today, emphasis on knowledge and information is among the most fundamental features of smart organizations. Undoubtedly, an all-encompassing attention to organizational sciences that translates into the development of human resources within organizations will be the driving force behind the accomplishment of lofty goals that societies have determined for their excellence and growth. One of these organizational sciences is knowledge management. Knowledge management is the systematic process of identifying, storing, retrieving and distributing individuals’ knowledge within the organization for public use in order to improve the quality and efficiency of decision making. Meanwhile, the memory and historical background of communities are of great importance in following such approaches, in the sense that the great value and importance that societies inherently place on knowledge and science will lead to greater appeal of these sciences. This paper attempts to investigate the religious roots of knowledge based on the illuminated verses of the Qur'an and the traditions of the infallible Imams as well as the logical process referred to today as "knowledge management”.
Key words: the Quranic verses, knowledge, traditions of infallible Imams, knowledge management.