Receive Date: 2025/03/28
Accept Date: 2025/03/28
New Public management has developed as a reaction to the deficiencies of the traditional pattern of Public management. Based on special anthropological and axiological orientation drawn from "rational choice theory", this pattern has brought about important changes in the field of Public management. Observing the achievements of private sector management clearing up the problems of bureaucracy, specialists in government management considered all the objectives and principles of private sector as the objectives and principles of government management. Consequently after a time, the so called real successes of implementing the principles of new public management, the lamentable outcomes and the corruptions resulting from implementing these principles caused these successes to be forgotten. Using an analytical- descriptive method and supporting the idea that man's behavior is dependent on his presuppositions and basic values, the present paper concludes that the main cause of the aforementioned question lies in the way new Public management views the man's nature, goals, and values.
چکیده و کلیدواژه فارسی (Persian)
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Rahimi, Mohammad reza.(2025) Analysis and Criticism of the Anthropological and Axiological Orientations of new Public Management. Islam va Pazhuheshhaye Modiriyati, 1(1), 7-31
Mohammad reza Rahimi."Analysis and Criticism of the Anthropological and Axiological Orientations of new Public Management". Islam va Pazhuheshhaye Modiriyati, 1, 1, 2025, 7-31
Rahimi, M.(2025) 'Analysis and Criticism of the Anthropological and Axiological Orientations of new Public Management', Islam va Pazhuheshhaye Modiriyati, 1(1), pp. 7-31
Rahimi, M. Analysis and Criticism of the Anthropological and Axiological Orientations of new Public Management. Islam va Pazhuheshhaye Modiriyati, 2025; 1(1): 7-31