The management method in Muslim community should be formed in accordance with the Islamic beliefs and values . The present paper seeks to provide a working procedure for a better management of organizations on the basis of Islamic beliefs. The method used in this study is applic, in terms of the objectives, and qualitative in terms of the data that is based on library sources. Moreover, it is a descriptive study which is intended to describe a subject, not to analyze or discover the causes. Using an interpretative- analytical method, this paper makes use of Islamic sources to confirm the research findings. In this study, according to the classification of the science of management, the factors affecting jihadi management can be identified and confirmed by religious documents. Therefore, Jihadi management has the features of a system. The research results indicate that jihadi management is a system which has three basic components. The organization's mission and existential philosophy are determined first, and then the ground for the fulfillment of goals is prepared. Finally, a value system is developed and its components form the behavioral and cultural framework of managers. The components of this system can shape the behavior of Jihadi managers, so that the organizations in Muslim society may be established in accordance with the local and religious conditions.