Undoubtedly, the results of contingency management views have challenged the beliefs of classical and neoclassical schools in the three domains of organization, man, and environment. By using exploratory study and the meta-combination method on contingency management, it is clear that this view considers the organization as an organic entity, moreover, it introduces the man as a neutral, complex being with multiple, diverse, and variable needs. This view of the environment also believes that the role and impact of the environment on the organization and human beings is so important that the transcendent and retrogression of human survival and survival of the organization depends on the contingencies of the environment. Therefore, considering the difference between the view of the Holy Quran in these three areas and the view of contingency management, it is appropriate to analyze it by referring to the word of revelation and using the method of combining research based on exploratory, meta-combined, and cross-examination methods. The findings of study show that The Holy Qur’an considers results of contingency management imperfect and incomplete, and emphasizes that the organization as a whole has benefited of life, and simply absorbing resources from the environment is not enough to keep it alive, rather, faith, patience, will to reality, and the will to patience, piety, and divine satisfaction effect on its three levels such as the individual, the group, and the organization. Also, human-organizational interaction with the environment is not passive but active, dynamic, and preventive with the aim of modifying or changing it. Moreover, environmental factors are not limited to economic, technological, social, cultural, and political factors, but also occult and ulterior factors play a key role in the growth and excellence or degradation and destruction of man and organization